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What is an SVR mortgage and why might you end up with one?

What is an SVR mortgage and why might you end up with one?

13th May 2022

A standard variable rate is the interest rate set by your mortgage lender. After your tracker, fixed or discount rate mortgage is over, you will likely switch the an SVR mortgage.

Why cohabiting couples should make a will

Why cohabiting couples should make a will

29th April 2022

When Tom and Pete bought their first property together, life couldn’t have been better. They both had good jobs pulling in decent salaries and were excited about spending the rest of their lives together. They chatted about making a will a few times, but somehow life always got in the way. Until one day, 10 years after moving in together, Pete got a call that would change his life forever – Tom had been killed in a car accident.

Key Dates For Your Finances 2022

Key Dates For Your Finances 2022

22nd April 2022

Now’s a good time to make sure your fully prepared for the financial year ahead. To make it easy we’ve summarised the key dates and facts and figures.

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